Cleaning the Machines
- Wipe probes wish clean washcloth or wash with soap and water to remove gel
- Wipe the probe, keyboard, handles, electric plug, EKG attachment, etc. with sanitizer cloth. Yes, the products have been tested and are SAFE on PROBES.
- Clean after EACH use. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- As manufacture updates their lists of compatible cleaning products – so will we.
Both UES and LM hospitals carry PDI line of disinfecting wipes. Usability cleaning products, which all contain rather harsh chemicals, depends on the specific materials used in the equipment to be cleaned. NYP preferred product is Sani-Cloth Plus (Red Top). see policy. However, ALL 3 wipes are safe, according to the GE website. The difference is contact time required for sterilization.
From our stand point – use any of the 3 wipes available. Just use correct contact time. If in a hurry – use purple, which has the shortest contact time of 2 min.